It’s about rhythm, it’s about joy, it’s about get up and dance, boogie to the truth, feel all the feels, move it to the left, slide it to the right, make the loop de loop and GET DOWN to the beat.

It’s about PACE.  

PACE and entertainment are connected through Rhythm. PACE is a PARTY that teaches you how to hook your audience from go, keep em on the ride, at the edge of their seat, from vivid start to visceral middle to rock solid ending. Leave your audience breathless, THINKING, and thrilled to be ALIVE in the most profound sense. That’s entertainment. That’s PACE.

So how do you bring PACE to your project?

This Lab reveals the core tools of The Technique™ that make Transparent swing, Little Miss Sunshine drive, Beginners move and Whale Rider soar! Now it's YOUR turn to learn the same game changing tools used by the creators of these award winning films and tv shows!

PACE is a bit of a lost art, so it’s easy to forget that the PACE must be on the page. You cannot fix it on the day, or in the edit, without compromising the beating heart of your story. Often the writing, acting and directing can flatline. Everything becomes equally fast or equally slow or equal to whatever it's equal to. Taught by Joan Scheckel, master teacher and creator of The Technique™, PACE shows you how to leave the flatline behind and build a roller coaster ride through a truth!

This 4 day Workshop reveals:

  1. The 4 essentials of PACE
  2. The 7 essentials of rhythm
  3. How to define the architecture of your scene
  4. How to connect rhythm and journey
  5. How to make work that really SINGS

A great director is a great conductor! PACE is pure musical fun. Come learn why The Technique™ influenced films and tv shows have earned over 1000 nominations and 500 wins at the Oscars, Emmys, Sundance and more. Crucial for writers, actors, directors, and producers wanting to make an impact and breakthrough!


Mastering PACE is what marks a great storyteller, a visionary director and a thrilling actor. The first night breaks down the relationship between Action, Feeling, and Rhythm.

  1. Learn the 4 Essentials of PACE
  2. Connect to the emotional core of your work
  3. Discover how the musical principles behind The Technique™ can revolutionize your narrative drive


A great director is a great conductor! Day 2 uses movement and music to reveal the architectural building blocks of PACE.

  1. Learn the 7 essentials of rhythm
  2. Embody the 7 essentials and make them your own
  3. Understand the connections between story, rhythm, music and arc
  4. Practice the tools of PACE needed to craft a masterful film or episodic


Put PACE into play! Day 3 applies the principles you've learned to scene work so you can see how it all ticks! Learn how to viscerally map a scene, series, or movie!

  1. Break a scene down into beats
  2. Add the 4 Essentials of PACE
  3. Define Plot Points - and understand how PACE is used to bring them life
  4. Learn how PACE relates with the Emotional Logic of your story (5 point Journey)
  5. Discover how rhythm is used to craft the scene in specific and the story overall.