If you want  to tell visceral, sexy, elegant, pierce you to the core stories that change your life and call your audiences to truth. If you want to put feeling, meaning and self-hood at the center of your work - The OEDIPUS Lab will show you how. No one did it more clearly, thrillingly and universally than Sophocles in OEDIPUS, The King. This Lab reveals how 24 brilliant plot points can be used to create an inexorable, riveting journey from unconsciousness to consciousness. 


🔥Use Overall Actions to structure a meaningful plot

🔥Write and deliver unexpected plot twists scene by scene

🔥Craft ensemble scripts with equally strong arcs for every character

🔥Deliver backstory through action, not exposition

Move through the mountain of meaning and fearlessly reclaim our forgotten truths crucial for writers and directors. Come learn the secrets of a rock solid plot!

Day 1: Act 1

During Lab, we put OEDIPUS on its feet, one act at a time. The first night unpacks Act 1. Learn how to:

  1. Set up the theme through Action not exposition
  2. Deliver the theme through Overall Action and Relationship
  3. Create Action that illuminates the Inner Life of the Characters

Day 2: Act 2

Day 2 continues the structural investigation of OEDIPUS as we delve into Act 2. In this Act we learn how to structure through a crisis. Discover how to:

  1. Build to a dramatic crisis through the actions of awareness, not conflict
  2. Craft plot points that both advance the story and deepen the characters 
  3. Develop Character Relationships that deliver the Theme

Day 3: Act 3

Day 3 moves you through the astonishing culmination of Act 3. Embody the play plot point by plot point, action by action. This Lab is a crash course on the most profound structure of all time.  In the final act, OEDIPUS reveals how to:

  1. Use Action to create a roller coaster ride through a truth
  2. Craft a profound transformation
  3. Write truly exciting, playable scenes  that deliver on meaning.

Day 4: Bring it all Together! Online!

Day 4 brings us back together Online, Via zoom, for a thorough unpacking and robust Q & A that integrates the learning from the weekend!  This lively night is always full of surprises and insights as you slow down, connect with yourselves, each other and the work. Recap all the new tools the Lab delivers! Get ready to make friends and creative break throughs!


Live in Los Angeles and Live Online

November 15-18, 2024

  1. Friday 11/15 - 7:00pm-10:00pm PT
  2. Saturday 11/16 - 1:00pm-7:00pm PT
  3. Sunday 11/17 - 1:00pm-7:00pm PT
  4. Monday 11/18 - 7:00pm-9:00pm PT - Online Q & A


 Designed for Professional Artists.

  1.  Live - Hands On: email for application and  info
  2. Live - Online:  email for info

Credit cards accepted & Payment Plans are available.

Team Study is KEY to creating the strong collaborations that get scripts written, projects made -  on time and under budget! We offer group incentives - email us to inquire!


Emerging Artists to Established Stars celebrate the JSFL Journey!