We are all familiar with the term, but the crafting of one can seem daunting.  

Study JOURNEY and learn the building blocks of screenplay structure, one step at a time.  The Technique™ thinks of screenplay structure as a roller coaster ride through a truth. No story moves in a predictable straight line, it has rises and falls and loop de loops, unexplained stops and diversions, and where it ends up, might just be somewhere you never expected.

In this Lab, you will learn how to: 

  1. Learn how to craft a story arc 
  2. Find the structure that is unique and delivers what you want to say in a creative, compelling, utterly authentic way
  3. Discover what’s beyond the Hero’s Journey


An understanding of the Transformative Journey has been central to Joan's work on films and television shows such as Transparent, Beginners, Arbitrage, Snow White and the Huntsman, Little Miss Sunshine, and Whale Rider. Now, you can experience The Technique™ to instantly connect you to the feeling, emotional depth, and rhythm of your work. 


JOURNEY allows you to join with advanced Alumni as they ask questions and drill down on the concepts of JOURNEY, and how to create a roadmap for your story.  Through thoughtful lectures and engaging exercises, you will learn how to truly understand these key structural principles and bring them to visceral life in your work! 


Online. Anytime. Anywhere.

Self-Guided via Thinkific


 Designed for Professional Artists.

One Self Guided Lab: $1825

The Lab Series Self Guided Program: $7700

*Brand New! Best Value! Limited Time Introductory Offer*

(Credit cards accepted & Payment Plans are available.)

Team Study is KEY to creating the strong collaborations that get scripts written, projects made -  on time and under budget! We offer group incentives - email us to inquire!



Emerging Artists to Established Stars celebrate the JSFL Journey!