You've learned how to connect collaborators to your Vision.
You have the tools to execute deep, insightful exploration in a short amount of time.
Now you're putting it all together - you're almost ready to shoot!
Take all the tools that you learned in DIRECT FEELING & DIRECT ACTION:
- Nugget, World, Character (Nature/Backstory) & Relationship (Literal/Feeling)
- Overall Actions
- Supporting Actions
- Beats & Blocking
Expand your Toolbox by exploring:
- Camera Blocking
- Costume
- Location
- Plot Point (Literal/Feeling)
- Pace
- JourneyObserve Joan work with actors and directors in each rehearsal!
You will learn how:
- To prepare rehearsals using the tools that you have learned, and execute a deep exploration in a short rehearsal time
- All the tools covered in DIRECT FEELING & DIRECT ACTION can be brought together to stage a scene
- How these tools give you the clarity to have a productive rehearsal no matter how much time you have
Please note: The intention is not to end with a finished, "polished" scene - This is about integration: having the clarity to put all the levels of the Mise En Scene together to make a scene impactful and clear - make it fly!
💫 Day 1: Prep
On day one Joan will talk about what you have learned in DIRECT FEELING & DIRECT ACTION, and how to add the last 6 layers of the mise en scène:
- Camera Blocking
- Costume
- Location
- Plot Point (Literal/Feeling)
- Pace
- Journey
You will learn how to take all of these tools, apply them to the rehearsal space on Day 2, and be ready to shoot your scene.
During the class, all students, whether live or online, engage with the lectures, the exercises and the Q&A with Joan.
💫 Day 2: Rehearse/Shoot
The 4 Hands On participants will conduct rehearsals using the concepts covered on Day 1. They will also start shooting the scenes.
The day will be spent observing each rehearsal, with Joan coaching throughout.
By observing this process, you will:
- Learn about the integration of all that was covered in DIRECT FEELING & DIRECT ACTION.
- Break open the additional layers of Camera Blocking, Costume, Location, Plot Point, Pace and Journey and watch scenes start to take shape and come alive!
By the end of Day 2, you will begin to see scenes take shape; coming out of the realm of exploration and start to see how the rehearsal room can lead directly into shooting!
💫 Day 3: View
The 4 Hands-On students will share the footage of their scenes, which will be viewed by all in attendance.
During the class, all students, whether live or online, engage with the lectures, the exercises and the Q&A with Joan.
You will learn:
- How to identify Hot Coals that can be used to build the world of your movie.
- How the rehearsal work lands on the screen.
- How to use this footage to bring clarity to the emotional truth of your story!
💫 Day 4: Online Q&A
After the weekend intensive, the online Q&A allows you to slow down and integrate the learning. This lively night is always full of surprises as the students connect with each other and the work!
Recap all the new tools the Lab has delivered!
Watch the students ground as a group (both Live Hands On and Live Online students meet in the Zoom Room!)
Emerging Artists to Established Stars celebrate the JSFL Journey!